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Stock updation in government portal


  1. Highly Repetitive Activity: The task of updating stock data in the government portal was exceptionally repetitive, consuming valuable time and resources.

  2. Stringent Compliance Requirements: Government regulations mandated precise data consolidation and entry, leaving no room for errors.



  • Weekly extraction of stock reports from the ERP system.

  • Consolidation of SKU data, categorizing it by product and city levels, as per government requirements.

  • Initiation of an approval workflow routed to the finance team for validation.

  • Automated data entry operations in the government portal on a weekly basis.


  1. 95% Reduction in Manual Activity: Automation drastically reduced the need for manual intervention, enabling staff to focus on more strategic tasks.

  2. 100% Compliance Achievement: Strict government compliance requirements were consistently met, eliminating compliance-related concerns.

  3. 0.4 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) ROI: Efficiency gains led to a remarkable return on investment, as the task was now completed with only a fraction of the human resources previously required.

Accounts Payable


  1. Non-Standard Invoice Formats: Suppliers and vendors sent invoices in various non-standard formats, making data extraction and processing difficult.

  2. High Probability of Manual Errors: Manual data entry introduced a high probability of errors in the invoice processing workflow.

  3. Delays Due to Manual Approvals: Manual approval processes caused delays in invoice verification and payment.

  4. Insufficient Workforce for Peak Periods: The existing workforce struggled to manage the increased volume of invoices during peak periods.

Keeping accounts


  1. Extract Reports from SAP: We implemented a system to extract hourly sales reports in Excel format directly from SAP, ensuring accurate and up-to-the-minute data retrieval.

  2. Data Integration: The extracted data from various sources was meticulously merged into a single comprehensive Excel report, ensuring data consistency.

  3. Data Transformation: We converted the Excel report into JSON format, making it highly accessible and adaptable for real-time reporting.

  4. FTP Transfer: Automated FTP transfers were set up to securely send the JSON reports to the server.

  5. Cross-Platform Accessibility: The real-time sales data was made available via a cross-platform mobile and web application


  1. Reduction of Errors: Automation significantly reduced the probability of manual errors during data entry, enhancing invoice accuracy.

  2. Improved Invoice Processing Time: The streamlined workflow led to a notable reduction in invoice processing time.

  3. Increased Visibility Through Analytics: Enhanced visibility into invoice data allowed for more informed decision-making and analytics

Hourly Sales Report


  1. Lack of Access to Real-time Sales Data: The client faced a significant hurdle in obtaining real-time sales data, which was essential for timely decision-making.

  2. Various Sources of Data: Sales data was scattered across different sources, making consolidation and real-time reporting challenging.

Financial Report



  1. Extract Reports from SAP: We implemented a system to extract hourly sales reports in Excel format directly from SAP, ensuring accurate and up-to-the-minute data retrieval.

  2. Data Integration: The extracted data from various sources was meticulously merged into a single comprehensive Excel report, ensuring data consistency.

  3. Data Transformation: We converted the Excel report into JSON format, making it highly accessible and adaptable for real-time reporting.

  4. FTP Transfer: Automated FTP transfers were set up to securely send the JSON reports to the server.

  5. Cross-Platform Accessibility: The real-time sales data was made available via a cross-platform mobile and web application


  1. Real-time Access: The client now enjoys real-time access to critical sales information, enabling swift and well-informed decisions.

  2. Region and Product Insights: Sales data is broken down by region and product, providing actionable insights for targeted strategies.

Contract Creation


  1. Unstructured Data Inputs: Contract and sale order creation involved dealing with unstructured data from various sources, leading to data inconsistency and errors.

  2. Lack of Data Visibility: The client lacked real-time visibility into the status of contracts and sale orders, making it difficult to track progress.

  3. Long Processing Time: Manual processing of contracts and orders led to delays, impacting customer satisfaction and business agility.

  4. High Error Rates: Manual data entry resulted in a high rate of errors, leading to discrepancies in contract terms and pricing.

Signing a Contract


ChillBotz devised a tailored RPA solution to streamline and automate the contract and sale order creation process.

The solution included:

  • Data Extraction and Standardization: RPA bots were trained to extract data from various sources and convert it into a standardized input format.

  • Real-Time Tracking: The RPA solution enabled real-time tracking of contracts and orders, providing transparency into the status of each stage.

  • Automated Data Entry: Bots were programmed to input data accurately into the ERP system, ensuring consistency and reducing errors


  1. Input Error Reduction: Automation led to a 90% reduction in input errors, minimizing discrepancies and improving contract accuracy.

  2. Processing Time Improvement: Contract creation time was reduced by 70%, enabling faster processing and quicker responses to customer demands.

  3. Enhanced Data Visibility: Real-time tracking provided clear visibility into contract and order statuses, facilitating better decision-making.

  4. Operational Efficiency: The automated process allowed staff to focus on higher-value tasks, improving overall operational efficiency.

Invoice vs Payment Linking


  1. High Volumes, Especially During Peak Periods: Managing a high volume of customer payments, especially during peak periods, presented a substantial challenge.

  2. Delay in Linking Payments: The manual process of linking customer payments with invoices resulted in delays and hindered real-time tracking.

  3. Tracking Partial Payments: The complexity of tracking partial payments against specific invoices introduced intricacies into the workflow.



  1. Automation: A software robot was meticulously programmed and scheduled to run every 30 minutes, actively seeking received payments.

  2. Logical Linking: The bot employed a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) logic to seamlessly link received payments with invoices, eliminating delays.


  1. Real-time Access: The client now enjoys real-time access to critical sales information, enabling swift and well-informed decisions.

  2. Region and Product Insights: Sales data is broken down by region and product, providing actionable insights for targeted strategies.

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