Dispatch Details Through Watsapp
Email Restrictions: The client's existing communication system was limited to email, which did not meet the demand for instant updates.
Client Expectations: Stakeholders, particularly clients, sought timely dispatch details delivered through WhatsApp to facilitate quick responses.

Unattended RPA Robot: We implemented an unattended Robotic Process Automation (RPA) robot tasked with automating the delivery of dispatch details via WhatsApp.
Automated Dispatch Notifications: The RPA robot identified dispatches scheduled for the day and delivered the necessary details to respective customers through WhatsApp.
High Customer Satisfaction: Clients and stakeholders appreciated the timely dispatch details, leading to improved satisfaction and engagement.
Reduction of Manual Efforts: The solution eliminated the need for manual dispatch notifications, reducing the associated effort to zero.
Communication Delays Eliminated: Communication delays were eradicated, ensuring swift responses and streamlined interactions.
Automated Invoice delivery to customers
Diverse Invoice Sources: Invoices originated from various locations, adding complexity to the process.
Email Distribution: The client needed to email invoices to both customers and sales representatives at multiple retail locations.
Efficiency and Accuracy: Ensuring accurate identification of recipients and timely invoice delivery was critical.

RPA Automation: We deployed a specialized Robotic Process Automation (RPA) robot designed to automate the identification of customer details and the email distribution of required invoices.
Invoice and Recipient Identification: The RPA robot accurately identified customers and associated sales representatives, ensuring invoices were dispatched to the right recipients.
Zero Manual Efforts: The solution eliminated the need for manual invoice distribution, reducing manual efforts to zero.
Sales Representative Productivity Increase: Sales representatives' productivity increased by 15%, as they were able to allocate more time to their core tasks.
Enhanced Efficiency: Accurate invoice distribution enhanced efficiency and reduced the possibility of errors.